Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Stock Market A Competitive Advantage For Corporate...

Nestlà © S.A is a globalized packaged-goods producer formed in 1866, during a time when international trade began to flourish. With a portfolio of more than 200 brands such as Gerber, Nesquik, Nestea, Poland Spring, Purina and Stouffers, Nestlà © has been in business for 150 years and operates in 189 countries (Bollinger, 2017). Today Nestlà ©s products include milk, chocolate, confectionery, bottled water, coffee, creamer, food seasoning and pet food (bloomberg, 2017). Today Nestlà © is one of the most hated companies in the world, whether it be for corporate crimes or general lack of human appreciation, protest and boycotts tend to follow this company. Although this may be the case, Nestlà ©s stock still manages to maintain a strong dividend, a†¦show more content†¦In most places where Nestlà © gathers water is affected greatly, specifically by the production of mineral water. This abuse of vulnerable water resources is a long term environmental issue. According to the Corporate Watch, in 2001, residents of the Serra da Mantiqueira region of Brazil began to investigate the changes in the water and dry out of one of the springs. They discovered that Nestlà © was pumping large amounts of water from a well 150 meters deep. This water was then demineralized and became table water for â€Å"Pure Life.† Water needs hundreds of years inside the earth to have all the minerals necessary, overpumping decreases mineral content. The â€Å"Citizens for Water† movement turned Nestlà © into the authorities of Brazil, due to demineralizing being illegal. Although Nestlà © lost, pumping is still continuing to take place as the appeal process is taking place. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s marketing and false advertising in baby food has caused another corporate crime. According to the World Health Organization, â€Å"an estimated 1.5 million infants die each year because of inappropriate feeding, because children vulnerable to disease are being bottle-fed on breastmilk substitutes rather than breastfed whenever possible.† Nestlà © has been a large contributor inShow MoreRelatedAudit and Wall Street13173 Words   |  53 Pages................................................................................................... 3 Strategy (or lack thereof) ........................................................................................................ 3 Company Culture .................................................................................................................... 5 Corporate Governance .........................................................................................................Read MoreIntroduction to Large Scale Organizations18988 Words   |  76 Pagesenabling groups of people to work in a planned and coordinate way to achieve a common goal or objective Classifying LSO s *Number of employee s exceeds 200 (according to the ABS) *Revenue (gross income) is in the millions of dollars *Total assets or market capitalisation (no. of shares x share value) is over $200 million *Profit after tax is still in the millions *Extent of operations (multinational or transnational) *Management structure (there must be a clear distinction between the owners and managers) Read MoreProject on Risk Management46558 Words   |  187 PagesBusiness Finance INDIAN INSTITUE OF FINANCE CORPORATE GUIDE: MR. 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